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May 3, 2022 by In House Marketing

"Donate" Spelled out in balloons with palm trees in the background at sunset.

Raising money for a cause is one of the most worthy ways to give back to your community. Here are our 5 TIPS FOR HOSTING A SUCCESSFUL FUNDRAISER

Before you start, be clear about what you’d like your fundraiser to support. This will drive all other aspects of your plan. Learn as much as you can about your cause so you’re clear on how your fundraiser will make a difference.

1. Establish your goal.

A napkin and coffee with the words "A goal without a plan is just a wish"

How much money do you intend to raise?  Whether it’s $1million for a hospital or $500 to buy books for a school library, setting a financial goal will help you identify what you need to do to reach that figure, the guests to target, and the type of fundraiser to hold.

2. Identify your budget.

The amount of money you’re intending to raise will dictate the event – a salubrious high-end affair isn’t necessary for those library books, but it would be for a new hospital wing.

Piggy bank and Calculator for fundraising budget.

Then write down every aspect of your event – the location, venue, equipment and furniture, lighting, catering equipment, waiters, food, advertising, and promotional material like flyers, ads and invitations. Then set your ticket prices at the right level to attract the type of guests you need to raise your objective. Put yourself in the guests’ shoes. What might you expect to pay for this type of fundraiser? Would you expect food, music, raffle prizes, speakers, and fun activities? This will also help you set a ticket price that is appropriate for your event.

3. Promote your event


The type and size of the fundraiser will determine your advertising plan. For a local cause, think about networking groups, libraries, word of mouth, and mailbox drops. Local media are often looking for good community news stories. National media look for high profile people or a unique aspect. Either way, the media look for an “angle” so work out a good story for them to make their job easier.

Use social media, and make sure it reflects the look of your event. Think Tik Tok and other social platforms to get your message out in a fun but impactful way.  

Browse Our Product Catalogue Now For All Your Fundraising Needs

Events Hire Catalogue Image

"We were so pleased with Pillingers! They have quality products and are a pleasure to work with."

Tiana Campagna - Event Coordinator - Sydney.

4. Lock in your support team.

Fundraising Support Team

The right support can make your event a successful one, and with decades of experience, Pillingers Hiring Service offers all the support you need. As a one-stop-shop service, they can help you directly or put you in touch with other trusted hospitality and security providers to create a fuss-free event.

5. Bring your fundraiser to life.

Think about the “look and feel” of your event. Pillingers Hiring Service offers a wide range of marquees – beautiful pavilions to grace the most elegant of gardens through to steeple marquees, the traditional ‘peg and pole' marquees, or even a custom-made option.

Group of Fundraisers take picture at fundraising event.

They also offer lighting to give your event a special touch, as well as flooring for a more even setting, particularly if your event is on a lawn, beach, or even over a pool.

And make sure your guests are comfortable with quality furniture. Think about ottomans and lounges for casual events or tables and chairs for a more formal occasion. Pillingers Hiring Service offers all these and more. Whether your event is low cost or high end, Pillingers Hiring Service can support you to make it a success. Most of all, remember that raising money is a serious business but a fundraiser should have an element of fun. Find that fun, and enjoy it.

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