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Are you selling a new product? featuring at a food festival? exhibition or trade show? or are you just looking to bring your cooking skills to the masses? Whatever the occasion our portable demonstration kitchen is the solution for you.  

Demonstration Kitchen Set Up

Our Portable Demonstration Kitchen

Our Portable Demonstration Kitchen contains everything necessary to instruct, enlighten and entertain your customers, attendees, and clients. It will provide you with the ability to conduct food tastings, cooking demos, or classes anywhere and at any time. 

Demonstration Kitchen Diagram

Your chef, instructor, or sales associate will be the centre of attention. As our kitchen draws customers to the area to see what all the excitement is about. Our professional food-grade stainless steel bench contains a 5 ring gas hob with rigging and adjustable mirror to allow participants to have an unobstructed view of the food preparation. 

Additional options

Additional options include a kitchen sink, hot water and hand wash basin (built-in for ease and functionality.) Our basic set-up is on a flat surface, but we also have elevated platforms and small stages available to help really project your demonstration to the crowd and make sure that you stand out amongst the rest. 

These units feature the highest quality engineering of any system available in Sydney. This is NOT an imitation set-up, it is the real deal! Previously, users had to source these high-quality portable demonstration kitchens from Melbourne but now Pillingers Hire has them available for you right here in our great city. 

Need More?

Check out our PA systems, lighting and seating options to help you gather the largest crowds and take your demonstration to the next level.

Portable Demonstration Kitchen Set Up

View these items in our catalogue now.

Events Hire Catalogue Image