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The Art of the Intimate Wedding: Nat's guest blogging post | Pillingers Hire

October 30, 2013 by In House Marketing

Bride and groom with floating petals

The gorgeous team over a The Reflective Bride were kind enough to let me guest blog for them about how to go about hosting a wedding for a shorter guest list. I'll include some snippets here but head over the post and check it out yourself:

'The most crucial thing to remember when wanting to host an intimate ceremony is the guest list.

So easily can 50 become 100 when you let relatives get in your ear about not inviting Aunty Alda or your cousin Marty, neither of whom has been seen since 1992.

I advise clients who are struggling under the pressure to keep a tight lid on who is invited and who hasn’t made the cut.

Keeping hush about your selective guest list means you’re less likely to be guilt tripped into less-desired invitees.

In the same vein, keep strong. Just because Laurie from accounting invited you to his wedding does not mean you are obliged to invite him to yours.

You are strong.

You are invincible.

You are keeping that gosh darn guest list small!'

Read the whole article here: The art of the intimate wedding