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City To Surf Set Up 

August 31, 2022 by In House Marketing

Ferris Wheel and Marquee at City To Surf

This Year Pillingers Hire is featuring some of Sydney's greatest events and ones that we are proud to be a part of. We will share a bit about the event and the set-up that we were asked to do.

To kick it off, we want to talk about City to Surf, the famous family fun run that helps raise money for various charities while allowing Sydneysiders to run out the last month of winter. 

The team always enjoys working on the set-up for City to Surf; what could be better than working outside in such a location as Bondi Beach?

It had been two years since Covid 19 shut down the City To Surf run, and the event was missed. 60,000 people chose to make up for lost time and showed up to volunteer or to run the distance from Sydney’s Hyde park to the warm shores of Bondi Beach. In the process, they raised a total of $4,000,000 for over 300 different charities.

Festival Set Up at City 2 surf

The City2Surf Event will be back next year, scheduled for Sunday, August 13th 2023.

Structured Pavillions

Marquee set up City to surf

City To Surf Marquee set up


stage set up for city to surf

White Picket Fencing

picket fence set up at City To Surf