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Have You Got A Wedding Planning Checklist Yet?

October 11, 2015 by In House Marketing

If not, you need one!

The best way to keep track of what you have to do and what you’ve already done is, of course, with a checklist. To save you the trouble of writing one yourself, we’ve come up with a checklist for you with a helpful timeline. This will help you to determine which tasks are more urgent, such as venue and celebrant - both services that book out far in advance - and which tasks can be left to complete a little closer to the big day.

Keep in mind that this checklist is based on an engagement of 12 months. So if your engagement is shorter or longer, your priorities may vary slightly.

What are you waiting for?

Download your checklist now!

For more handy hints and tips to plan the wedding of your dreams with minimal stress, download our FREE wedding planning checklist.