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How to Nail Your Engagement Party

January 1, 2014 by In House Marketing

Just married couple walking along beach

Engagement parties are a great way of celebrating your upcoming nuptials, catch up with friends and have a wonderful time all at once! And we love a good excuse to throw a good party. We’ve compiled a list of essential tips to make sure your party is an event to remember for years to come.

Top Tips for a Successful Party

1. Walk, Don’t Run

While you may be feeling the pressures of getting the engagement out of the way as soon as possible, you should throw your engagement party when you feel ready to. Whether this takes a month, two or even three, this is all up to you. Your loved ones will celebrate with you no matter what!

2. Get it on Film… or at Least a USB

You may not realise it at the time, but your engagement party will be something to look on fondly in the years to come, so it’s important to get the intimate details caught on camera. You may not want to jump around with a camera all night if you’re in the moment, so consider hiring a photographer. Don’t ask a crafty friend – they’ll want to enjoy the night, too!

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Do It Yourself

Look – we all know that engagement parties are generally hosted by your friends or family, but you don’t need to play by the rules. Don’t look at it as a chore that has to be taken care of – have fun doing it and your guests will too! If you’re doing it from home, look into reputable hiring companies to transform your backyard or dining room for the night.

4. Make Your Gratitude Known

Sending thank-you notes or cards to your guests post-party may seem like a trivial tradition, but your guests will want to feel appreciated for their attendance in celebrating your relationship. This is especially important if gifts were given, but should be done either way – gift or no gift.

5. Not Invited to the Wedding? Don’t Invite Them to the Engagement Party

Though the engagement party is seen as a more casual affair, it is quite impolite to invite people to the wedding pre-cursor if they won’t be attending the wedding itself. A little early to be confirming the wedding invite list, yes, but it’s better to get it out of the way early to save future fall-outs.

Already past the engagement stage? Check out our tips on avoiding outdated traditions and clichés on the big day here: