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Top 8 Tips for Dressing for a Corporate Event

March 10, 2014 by In House Marketing

Fashion couple

Getting that “corporate event look” down

This may be a work day off but unfortunately that’s no excuse to wear what you normally would on your days off. You’re still around your colleagues and managers and need to dress accordingly – but how?

1. Learn the codes: Usually a corporate event invitation will include a dress code. Casual, in a corporate event sense, kind of means wear what you like, but maybe leave the death metal or Raben’s Footwear t-shirts at home. Business attire entails that men wear a suit (with or without a tie) and women wear a knee-length dress or skirt with a blouse or a sophisticated pant suit. Black tie means a tux for the blokes and evening wear for the ladies.

2. Don’t dress too sexy: While an event may seem casual, you should be aware that a corporate event is a time for business. Product launches or big industry events are probably an exception to the rule, but otherwise, if it’s a business affair keep it tailored, stylish and clean.

3. Promote me for my assets: If you’re looking to take your career to the next level, it’s especially important to dress professionally, as the work party can often be seen as an informal interview of sorts. For big corporate conferences and industry meets, the rule is dress to impress. What would you wear to a job interview? Whatever that outfit is, wear that. Obviously for different industries this can vary - applying for an interview at Apple requires different sartorial choices to interviewing at Macquarie Bank - know your industry (take a look at their blog and advertisements) this will give you an idea or their ethos.

4.Keep it simple: Understated is always better than over-the-top. Being too trendy could make it seem like you’re trying too hard. The red velvet suit may look great on you, but may be out of place at a legal industry gig.

5.Be prepared: If you’re planning to network at this corporate event make sure you have your networking tools available. Nothing beats a great conversation in a relaxed setting, but make sure you have your phone, business cards or pen handy to get the details of your new high flying mates. Nothing sours a connection like having to empty out your bag looking for a biro.

6. Do your research: Once you’ve received your invite to the event, you’ll know where it is taking place. Do a quick googling of the venue and find out if it’s upscale or casual. This will give you a good gauge of how far you can take your outfit.

7. Unsure? Don’t do it: If you’re umm-ing and ahh-ing over whether an outfit is appropriate, it probably isn’t appropriate (or is, but may make you feel self-conscious) at all for a corporate party. Save that humourous tie for a buck’s party, save the backless sequined dress for a night out with the girls. And go black, simple and tailored, tailored, tailored.

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