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Outdoor Party Hire

Now you can Host an Amazing Party Anywhere with our Outdoor Party Hire

Don’t be fenced in when it comes to location. You can host your event almost anywhere with our elaborate collection of outdoor party hire equipment. Create spectacular spaces that awe the crowds and tantalise your guests with our collection of marquees, lighting, flooring, staging and more. Elegant or modern, our event consultants provide a specialty service helping you to realise your vision — no matter the look you want! Our collection of equipment extends beyond the decorative to all the catering, cooling and heating equipment you’ll need to keep your guests comfortable and the party going. It’s an online one-stop-shop for all your party hire needs!

Bring Beautiful Décor Outdoors

Outdoor parties have always been popular. Little wonder. Why shouldn’t we make the most of Sydney’s spectacular views and stunning weather? And well, there’s just nothing quite like an event that gracefully blends the indoors and the outdoors. By merging the inside and the out you’re maximising your space, creating multiple entertainment areas so your guests can freely move about. Although, when you’re hosting an outdoor party you do need to ensure your outdoor areas are protected from the weather. Our range of marquees — including transparent ceilings, silk linings and removable walls — are the ideal way to create decadent outdoor spaces, dynamic enough to work with both your event and the elements. You can then furnish your marquee with our expansive range of furniture including dining tables and chairs, lounges, ottomans and bars. After something extra special? Make sure you check out our range of illuminated furniture! Modern and stylish these pieces make a dazzling feature at any outdoor evening event.